– The hot weather surely entices you to consider purchasing a room cooling device, especially when your room feels stuffy and excessively warm. However, before making the purchase, it’s advisable to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of an air cooler. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of an air coolers can assist you in deciding which room cooling product to choose. It’s also essential to comprehend the functions and operation of such home & living devices. Avoid making hasty purchases without thorough consideration.

Air Coolers

To avoid making a wrong purchase, try examining the advantages and disadvantages of an air cooler beforehand. You might change your mind or discover that this room cooling device doesn’t meet your expectations.

Benefits of Air Conditioning

1. Easy to Assemble

Have you ever purchased an air conditioner? If so, you must know that you need professional services to assemble it at home. Moreover, AC units have numerous parts whose functions you may not understand.

However, it’s not the case for an air cooler. This room cooling device is designed to be simple. So, any user can use it right away. You only need an electrical socket and a nearby window or door to release hot air.

2. Low Electrical Power

You want a room cooler that doesn’t require a lot of electricity. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage of an air cooler. Some claim that this device is 80% more energy-efficient than an AC unit. You only need 60-100 watts to operate it.

Certainly, if this condition continues, your monthly electricity expenses won’t skyrocket. Despite being more energy-efficient, you still need to remember to turn it off when not in use.

3. Environmentally friendly

Another advantage and disadvantage of an air cooler is its environmental friendliness. For those who support the go-green movement, they wouldn’t recommend using an AC unit. This is because such devices use freon, which can harm the ozone layer.

However, freon is not present in air coolers. These air cooling devices operate differently from refrigerators, thus reducing the potential for greenhouse gas emissions. Their operation is similar to regular fans.

4. Easy to Move

Sometimes, the hot area in the house is in the living room or office. Therefore, you have to move the air cooler to different rooms. Because of its portable design, you don’t need to bother calling a technician.
Moreover, some air cooler products are lightweight and compact in size. So, it’s even easier to carry them anywhere. You just need to slide them. This is particularly suitable for those who don’t have central AC at home.

Drawbacks of Air Conditioning

1. Not Too Cold

Did you know that air coolers are not suitable for use in large rooms compared to AC units? This is because these devices only use a single fan. Unlike air conditioners that function like refrigerators.

So, if your room is spacious, it’s better not to choose an air cooler as the room cooler. Alternatively, you can opt for a product with the best specifications so it can cool effectively.

2. Increases Humidity

Do you have a dust allergy? It seems like an air cooler may not be the right device for you. This is because the operation of this device can increase humidity indoors. Now, when the room is more humid, it’s much easier to be exposed to pathogens or pollutants. This is what can then trigger your allergy when using such a room cooler. Especially for those who have respiratory-related allergic responses.

3. Requires Lots of Water

For some people, this might be inconvenient. It’s important to note that an air cooler requires a supply of clean water. This water is used for the device to function properly. If you’re in an area where clean water is scarce, then this device may not be usable.